Nouvelles Journées d’Echographie Fœtale (NJEF) Jan 31st- Feb 2nd 2025, Paris

Nouvelles Journées d'Echographie Fœtale (NJEF)

Nouvelles Journées d’Echographie Fœtale (NJEF) Jan 31st- Feb 2nd 2025, Paris

This year, the congress will be structured around the theme “The ultrasound care pathway: from expertise of the normal in screening to expertise of the pathology in diagnosis”. We have prepared a rich and varied program in which we will talk about the heart, the brain, the placenta, the bones, late ultrasounds and the latest scientific developments…

• Practical workshops with patients including all the themes of the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

• Workshops on simulators, for a first handling, or to understand and improve the acquisition of sections on a given theme (1st trimester, heart and brain). The offer of simulators is very enriched this year with as a novelty a “masterclass” on the theme of the fetal heart allowing you a complete training in the normal heart but also and especially in the main pathologies.

• Interactive workshops: quizzes, speed dating, questions/answers on innovative themes in gynecology, fertility, twin pregnancies, questions to experts, a workshop on the announcement, a workshop on musculoskeletal disorders following ultrasound practice.

• 1 DPC will also be organized:
Conducting the morphological examination of the 1st trimester of pregnancy, screening for aneuploidies and recommendations of the National Conference of Obstetric and Fetal Ultrasound.

• As every year, our foreign speakers will come to compare their experience with our practice and broaden our view of the realities of ultrasound around the world; carte blanche is reserved this year for Professor Asma KHALIL to talk to us about late ultrasounds during pregnancy.

• Fascinating presentations in plenary, with this year also, a session devoted to gynecology.

The conference will start on Friday at 10:00 with the plenary sessions, Saturday, a fabulously enriching day, will be dedicated to the legendary practical workshops, simulators and interactive workshops. Sunday will be dedicated to the plenary sessions, ending at 14:00.

Why participate: not only for the high-quality scientific content but also to enrich your know-how thanks to all the workshops, with a personalized welcome and support. As every year, we will do everything possible to combine studious learning with the pleasure of sharing, so that this congress brings you new intellectual and human resources useful for your daily practice.

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Webinar: Towards Personalized, Flexible & Hybrid Prenatal Care

February 25, 2025

Dr. Alex Peahl

Dr. Alex Peahl University of Michigan

Dr. Avi Tsur

Dr. Avi Tsur Sheba Medical Center