First purchase order for Pulsenmore’s home ultrasound device for IVF processes

Dr. Elazar Sonnenschein

First purchase order for Pulsenmore’s home ultrasound device for IVF processes

Pulsenmore has received its first purchase order from Clalit Health Services for our home ultrasound device that allows women to perform self-examination of follicles in IVF (in vitro fertilization) and fertility preservation processes (Pulsenmore FC).

A ray of light to ease the process of fertility treatments! We are so excited to announce that we have received our first purchase order from Clalit Health Services for our home hashtag#ultrasound device that allows women to perform self-examination of follicles in hashtag#IVF (in vitro fertilization) and hashtag#fertility preservation processes (Pulsenmore FC). The patient doesn’t have to head out to the fertility clinic every time she needs to have a follicular examination, and every scan is viewed and assessed remotely by the patient’s healthcare provider to determine the next steps in the process!

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Webinar: Towards Personalized, Flexible & Hybrid Prenatal Care

February 25, 2025

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