No, the Clinician-Dashboard interface is an online web application that utilizes an active directory access technology (permission management tool).
No, the Clinician-Dashboard interface is an online web application that utilizes an active directory access technology (permission management tool).
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Pulsenmore (TASE:PULS), a pioneer in connected home ultrasound, is on a mission to make accessible, patient-driven healthcare a reality.
Pulsenmore Offices, Israel
Corporate | 8 Omarim St., Omer
Central | 7 Derech Menahem Begin, Ramat Gan
Northern | 45 Derech Ha’atzmaut, Haifa
© 2024 Pulsenmore Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The Pulsenmore ES Home Ultrasound System is cleared for commercial use in EU countries, the UK, Switzerland, Brazil, Australia and Israel. In the US it is limited by Federal law to investigational use only.