women scanning using pulsenmore home ultrasound



Next Generation Prenatal Care

Doctor laptop

Assessing fetal wellbeing is a primary objective in prenatal care

Prescribed by a clinician and complementary to onsite clinical visits, the Pulsenmore home ultrasound solution enables continuity of prenatal care for early detection of warning signs, better patients compliance and improved resource management. 


Remarkable remote imaging for better resource management & flexibility


Enhance patient access to care and earlier detection of warning signs


Increase patient engagement, convenience and satisfaction


What can healthcare providers benefit from Pulsenmore home ultrasound?

new doctor on with Pulsenmore clinican dash board

Online medical services are increasingly and positively impacting the way healthcare is delivered. The Pulsenmore home ultrasound platform is a practical, safe, and effective solution for prenatal telehealth and remote sonographic fetal well-being assessment, with evidence suggesting better resource management and increased patient engagement and satisfaction.

new doctor on with Pulsenmore clinican dash board

Revolutionizing prenatal care with home ultrasound technology

One of the primary objectives of prenatal care is to detect and manage conditions that can adversely affect the growing fetus. Traditional antenatal care, typically requires in-clinic visits, creating significant burdens for patients, particularly those facing barriers such as transportation issues, rural living, or balancing work and childcare. 

Pulsenmore offers the groundbreaking home-use ultrasound solution, that allows patients to perform basic ultrasound assessments from the comfort of their homes with remote clinician guidance. With Pulsenmore you can ensure high-quality prenatal care without the need for frequent clinic visits.


The different modes of operations

Play Video about clinician guided mode screenshot

Clinican-Guided Mode

 The real-time teleultrasound consultation allows you to meet your patient online while guiding and controlling the duration and frequency of the patient’s scans. The system also allows you to adjust the ultrasound settings for each scan remotely.

Play Video about app guided mode screen shot

App-Guided Mode

The patient follows self-scan protocols on the Pulsenmore mobile app, developed by OBGYN specialists. Scans are then uploaded to the cloud for asynchronous review by clinicians, allowing for evaluation of fetal movement, fetal heart activity, and amniotic fluid.


Clinicians & patients love Pulsenmore!

Technology Impact


How it works

Our solution delivers prenatal teleultrasound and fetal well-being imaging directly from the comfort of home.


Pulsenmore cradle


Pulsenmore application


Self-scan ultrasound device


Improve resource management, productivity and workflow