Dear Pulsenmore reader hello,
Read on to learn about our recent collaborations, interesting publications and where you can meet our team in the upcoming conferences season
Celebrating our partners Success!

Huge congrats to Sheba Beyond virtual hospital for giving birth to the first virtual gynecology and obstetrics department! The virtual hospital will amongst other things integrate the Pulsenmore home ultrasound device, remote hybrid monitor technology, and a digital urine stick to allow women to continue their work, life and family routines while receiving the highest level of pregnancy monitoring- now this is remote telehealth evolution in the works! Want to learn more?

Watch the head of Women’s hospital at Beilinson Israel, Prof. Asnat Walfisch, speak at the “Mind-the-Tech” event, on the success of the collaboration between her hospital and Pulsenmore, which has enabled women to get reassurance on the wellbeing of their fetus, by using the Pulsenmore self-scan ultrasound from home, and receiving remote clinical diagnosis by Beilinosn’s sonographers and ObGyns, ensuring continuity of prenatal care, and enhancing mother-baby bonding.
What is the economic and environmental impact of maternal-Fetal telemedicine?
Check out this recent study by Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia demonstrating the positive economic and environmental impact of teleMFM utilization. Of the 2,712 scheduled appointments over 8 months, teleMFM utilization resulted in a $144,611 economic savings for patients, along with total emission savings of 95 metric tons!!!
Click to read the full study by Valeria Mariana Li Valverde Sina Haeri, MD, MHS
We also recommend reading the study by the esteemed Dr. Neel Shah and Dr. Alex Peahl, which is an inspiration about redesigning maternal health in the US Digitally enabled prenatal care, which includes multiple services designed to meet the individual’s needs within and outside of clinical spaces, can improve maternal health and wellness in the US by impacting parts of people’s lives that are beyond current clinical reach”.
Join us in these upcoming conferences, we recommend these sessions:

DIP2023, Thessaloniki, May 4th, 18:00-19:00 ‘Home ultrasound – revolutionizing antenatal management’ Prof. Eran Hadar, Director of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Rabin Medical Center

WCPM , Milan, May 8th 10:30 -11:00Maternal anxiety and antenatal attachment in women with history of previous pregnancy loss receiving routine home ultrasound follow-up”Dr. Liat Mor, Wolfson Medical Center.

Inaugural MedFemTech, Paris. May 9th ,14:30 Expanding Telehealth Capabilities with Remote US Mrs. Mira Altmark-Sofer, VP Marketing Pulsenmore.
The inagural MEDFEMTECH Congress 2023

ACOG, Baltimore, May 20th, 3:30 PM, Virtual prenatal care: The impact of telemedicine and home-ultrasound on maternal anxiety and attachment during pregnancy in women with a history of pregnancy loss by Prof. Eran Weiner MD, MFM specialist at Wolfson Medical Center.

We won 1st prize awards at the AIUM’s (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine) Sharktank”
We would like to thank the AIUM’s Future Fund and the Association for providing us with this unique opportunity to pitch Pulsenmore’s exciting remote ultrasound solution. The Sharktank was held during the Ultracon event which had such a great turn out this year. We are so proud to have brought home not one but two – 1st prize awards.

Clalit Health Services wins the IT innovation & digital transformation & award with the Pulsenmore home ultrasound solution!
By everaging the latest digital technologies and partnering with cutting-edge solution providers like Pulsenmore, Clalit is setting the standard for the future of healthcare. We applaud Clalit’s success and appreciate our partnership as we enjoy seeing the positive impact of our collaboration on patients and the healthcare industry as a whole.
Inviting you to stay in touch,