Home Ultrasound Developer Pulsenmore Establishes U.S. Operations and Appoints General Manager for North America

Home Ultrasound Developer Pulsenmore Establishes U.S. Operations and Appoints General Manager for North America

 Apr. 7, 2022, 08:00 AM

Hagar Spits has joined Pulsenmore as General Manager North America, as the company establishes U.S. operations in Boston, Massachusetts.

„I am looking forward to leading a convenience and efficiency revolution in U.S. maternal health by putting families in the center and empowering women to play an active role in the management of their pregnancy from home,“ Hagar commented. „I was inspired by Pulsenmore’s home ultrasound solutions and the incredible opportunity they hold in reducing maternal anxiety and identifying risks earlier, which may ultimately result in improved pregnancy outcomes – especially in underserved communities. It is a privilege to join the Pulsenmore team and build our presence in North America. Pulsenmore has the potential to become the new standard in pregnancy care for women everywhere, and the company is advancing an exciting product roadmap.“

„We are thrilled to welcome Hagar Spits to lead Pulsenmore’s geographical expansion into North America,“ added Dr. Elazar Sonnenschein, Founder and CEO of Pulsenmore, from the company offices in Ramat Gan, Israel. „Hagar brings 20 years of healthcare experience across three continents and the right skillset as a seasoned commercial leader. I am confident she will direct our business growth successfully.“  

Hagar holds a BSc in Biomedical Engineering from Tel Aviv University in Israel, and an MBA from INSEAD in France and Singapore.  

The flagship product for fetal monitoring is approved for marketing in Europe (CE) and in Israel. In the U.S. it is limited by Federal law to investigational use. Clinical studies in the U.S. are currently underway.

Pulsenmore is traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: PULS). 

For more information:

Rachel Feldman, Marketing Communications – Pulsenmore

[email protected]  

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