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Scoprite come Pulsenmore sta plasmando il futuro dell’assistenza sanitaria.
Descubra como a Pulsenmore está moldando o futuro da prestação de serviços de saúde.

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Thank you to the entire team for their dedication, hard work, and great spirit. This is just the beginning of our journey together!
Reliable folliculometry and endometrial measurements can be obtained based on patient self-use of PFCVD, utilizing safe remote management of ovarian stimulation, reducing costs, discomfort and travel time for patients.
Pulsenmore secured a commercial agreement with Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer for remote patient monitoring of highrisk pregnancies using its’ home ultrasound solution. Sheba Medical Center, will utilize Pulsenmore's solution
This is your chance to be at the forefront of impactful research, shaping the landscape of healthcare delivery for years to come. Don't miss out! Click the link below to
Patients demonstrated the ability to self-scan their lungs at home, producing scans of satisfactory accuracy and quality for detecting pulmonary congestion. This study establishes the feasibility of using the Pulsenmore-MPBU

We’re absolutely thrilled by the vibrant energy following our recent webinar, a collaborative effort between Women’s Health Innovation Series , Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and Beilinson – Rabin Medical

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