Big in Japan – Prof. Asnat Walfish introduces the Pulsenmore device at the Tokyo Business Conference CTech

Big in Japan – Prof. Asnat Walfish introduces the Pulsenmore device at the Tokyo Business Conference CTech

Pulsenmore was presented as one of the innovative developments in the field of maternal and fetalmedicine: “The device provides vital information to medical teams in quickly and accurately assessing the condition of the fetus, granting expectant mothers peace of mind and avoiding unnecessary visits to clinics or ER. « Prof. Ritsuko Pooh-Kimata acknowledged that this innovative development could assist women in Japan, alleviating the travel burden and potentially save money.

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Webinar: Towards Personalized, Flexible & Hybrid Prenatal Care

February 25, 2025

Dr. Alex Peahl

Dr. Alex Peahl University of Michigan

Dr. Avi Tsur

Dr. Avi Tsur Sheba Medical Center