This international conferences focused on Tech, Finance & Innovation Conference was the perfect opportunity to hear about Pulsenmore collaboration with the Rabin Medical Center. Click here to see full interview of Prof. Asnat Walfisch, Head of the Hospital for Women, who spoke about how the hospital operates under the guiding principle of providing added value at the level of the individual patient.
«Walfisch spoke about the enormous advantages inherent in home ultrasound examinations. «The home ultrasound is a device the size of a palm that connects to a smartphone and allows you to independently perform an ultrasound scan of the fetus and transmit it to a dedicated center in Beilinson staffed with medical teams that decode the ultrasound videos,» said Walfisch. «This is a significant leap forward in digital medicine and women’s health during pregnancy. We were able to make the traditional ultrasound system smaller and more accessible so that it is suitable for home use. The device provides vital information to the medical teams and helps mothers to receive a quick and accurate picture of the condition of the fetus, thus giving them peace of mind and preventing unnecessary visits to the clinic or to emergency rooms due to one concern or another.»